First Attempt at Retrobrite - Keyboard and Mouse

Today was attempt #1 at retrobrite-ing some of my old Apple stuff. I'm starting with an old ADB keyboard and mouse.

Here are the 'before' pictures

A lot of the online documentation recommends using either (a) sunlight or (b) a UV light. Since its still winter in Iowa, outdoor sunlight really isn't an option. And, I don't have a budget for a UV light right now. So.... I'm giving my plant lights a try.

- First, I disassembled the devices and pulled all of the keys off, using my awesome key puller. (Definitely worth the $5.99!)
- Next, soaked all of the plastic parts in the sink with some dish soap. Scrubbed them with an old toothbrush and rinsed everything.
- Using gloves and a foam brush, liberally applied some 40 volume cream hair developer to all of the parts and wrapped them in saran wrap or put them in a Ziploc bag.
- Added some water to a clear plastic storage tote, put it on a plant warming mat and turned on the plant lights.

Why the water and the heating mat? Some reviews online claim that heat helps the retrobrite process. It doesn't hurt to try!

I wrapped the plastic tote in foil to help maximize the light exposure and reflect the light onto all sides of the plastic parts.

The plan is to check the parts every hour or so and massage the cream to hopefully limit the streaking. The results will come soon!

Here are some pictures of the setup:

And, as always, my faithful assistant:

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